Employees’ organizational commitment and their citizenship behaviors
A study on logistic land haulage providers in the eastern seaboard industrial estates, Thailand
Organizational citizenship behavior, OCB, organizational commitment, OC, organization culture, goal settings, transformational leadership behaviorAbstract
Given the vulnerabilities of present businesses, logistic solutions have to be crafted and aimed at, in order to get excellent service quality. As a labor intensive sector, the performance of logistic organizations lies in the hands of employees. The research aimed to investigate whether organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) were positively influenced by four variables: the organizational commitment, the transformational leadership behavior, the organizational culture and the goal setting. Only the innovative (B-value = 0.333, p <0.001) and the bureaucratic organizational cultures (B-value = 0.170, p <0.001), the employees’ normative commitment (NC) (B-value = 0.290, p <0.001), and the employees’ continuance commitment (CC) (B-value = -0.059, p <0.05) entered the equation. The data were gathered from the logistic land haulage providers servicing the Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate (ESIE), one of Thailand biggest automotive industrial estates, through distributions of questionnaires.